Why I Walk

Chris Shane - Team Common Cathedral.jpg
Amanda GR and sarah Brock.jpg


Amanda is the Executive Director of common cathedral, a faith-based organization and outdoor church t with programs and care for people experiencing homelessness as well as meaningful opportunities for housed and unhoused individuals to come together. Amanda is also a board member for the Winter Walk, and helps rally communities far and wide to walk together. The Winter Walk is very lucky to share community with her. Read Amanda’s thought here.

Have you participated in the Winter Walk before?

I have walked with the winter walk for the last 2 years and look forward to this years walk 

Why do you participate in the Winter Walk?

I come because I believe that ending homelessness is in our reach.  It will take all of Boston to band together to make it happen...but it can happen. 

What do you hope others who come to the Winter Walk get/gain from the experience?

I hope people learn something about our friends who call the streets and shelters home and I hope people get inspired to do something tangible like volunteer at one of the partner organizations.